5 Things to Know Before Moving to Big German Cities


Are you considering relocating to Germany? Are you thinking of choosing the big cities as your resident? You’re sure to have a great day with the rich culture, hearty cuisine, and surprises around every corner. Of course, some individuals may experience some culture shock. But don’t worry: you can read other people’s experiences on de.collected.reviews to get more knowledge on German cities.

German Big Cities You Can Choose to Live In

Berlin isn’t only Germany’s capital; it’s also the country’s tech powerhouse, with a new startup firm launching every 20 minutes. Hamburg is Germany’s second-largest city and also ranks second in terms of startup activity. Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter have operations in the city, and it is home to one of Germany’s largest gaming clusters. Made in Design is that brand that will make our life easier in German cities.

Munich is also an excellent alternative, as it is home to the headquarters of several of Germany’s largest international firms, like Siemens and BMW. It also serves as a crossroads for virtual reality, journalism, and finance.

Below are some of the things you should know about German cities

1. The medical system is fantastic.

All German citizens, including ex-pats, immigrants, or students, are entitled to free healthcare (as long as you have some health insurance). In Germany, around 87 percent of the population has access to public health insurance which permits citizens to join 109 sickness funds.

The universal public healthcare system in Germany is funded by taxes and covers nearly all medical services. Even better, any required copayments for prescriptions that you may be required to pay are usually relatively small.

2. Techno music.

The techno music scene in Germany is unrivaled, and Berlin is the epicenter. Many abandoned buildings became home to numerous illicit parties after the collapse of the Berlin Wall, providing the ideal breeding ground for the city’s love of techno music. Most small clubs now host at least one dedicated techno night every week, but the significant clubs are where you’ll be treated to a more lavish spectacle.

3. Always follow the rules.

Play by the rules if you wish to get along with everyone you encounter in Germany. For starters, jaywalking is strictly prohibited. Locals will almost certainly meet you with judgmental eyes if you cross the street without using a formal crossing. If you want to avoid getting an angry earful from passing cyclists, stay away from the cycle tracks while walking. These hours are limited by legislation; thus, no loud music is allowed on Sundays. During quiet hours, even playing loud music, vacuuming, or doing laundry can result in a visit from public order authorities.

4. The living expenses are reasonable.

According to the Expat Insider Survey, Germany’s average cost of living is likewise reasonably typical compared to other nations. You might think because it’s a city, it will cost you a fortune. No! It’s still very affordable. Although prices are progressively rising, Germany remains one of the cheapest European countries to live in. Of course, this will depend on where you plan to go — Germany’s most expensive cities are Munich, Frankfurt, and Cologne. In Germany, the average monthly living expense for a household is €850 (£738), with housing and utilities accounting for 36% of the total.

5. Cash is king

Many German cafes and small businesses only accept cash, although Germany is one of the world’s most inventive and tech-savvy countries. Although the internet and mobile payment systems have made inroads into payment systems in recent years, ‘cash is king’ remains a mantra for many German business owners and consumers.

Bottom line

The cost of living in Germany’s largest cities is lower than in many other big western European cities, although it varies depending on where you are in the country. Frankfurt and Munich, for example, are relatively expensive, whereas Leipzig and Jena are significantly more reasonable; hence, the cost of living varies greatly depending on where you relocate.

According to the German Federal Statistics Office, the average monthly household expense, including housing, electricity, and maintenance, is around €859 per month. Lunch in a café or restaurant will cost you roughly €7–€12, or €5 for a sandwich. A cup of coffee costs approximately €3–€4 and a beer cost between €2.50 and €3.50.